Services Provided by King-Cooper
- Assist the Board in reviewing applicant materials and rating applicants
- Check two to four references on each candidate
- Assist the Board in interview preparation and provide all interview materials
- Schedule candidates for interviews
- Assess school district need in relation to the superintendent selection
- Assist the Board in developing a leadership profile for a new superintendent
- Establish timelines for the search
- Develop and distribute application materials, including a brochure for statewide distribution
- Assist the Board with public input
- Advertise the position with appropriate agencies
- Handle all correspondence, including responding to applicants and notifying applicants of the status of the search
- Solicit nominations and recruit candidates for the position
- Assist the Board in ranking candidates and selecting finalists
- Assist the Board in compiling salary and benefits data and contract preparation
- As requested, provide information for the media
- Advise the Board on compliance with all legal guidelines